
FDA Will No Longer Review EUA Requests for COVID-19 Laboratory Developed Tests

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will no longer require premarket review of laboratory developed tests (LDTs), including COVID-19 tests, decline to review emergency use authorization (EUA) request for LDTs. Instead, the FDA will prioritize review of EUAs for point-of-care tests, home collection tests, at-home tests, tests that reduce reliance on test supplies, and high-throughput, widely distributed tests.

Source: FAQs on Laboratory Developed Tests (LDT)


Unapproved and Misbranded COVID Treatments Get FDA Attention

There is no FDA-approved treatment for COVID-19, but that hasn’t stopped one compounding pharmacy from making bold claims. Marketing products as “COVID PACK” and “COVID ‘POSITIVE’ PACK” for the “treatment and recovery from the Covid-19 virus” apparently crossed the line. These products appear to be nothing more than vitamins. It wasn’t the products that got the FDA’s attention, but rather the claims of treatment, recovery, and cure. The FDA gave the pharmacy 48 hours to correct the misleading claims.

Source: Warning Letter – Pharmacy Plus, Inc. dba Vital Care Compounder