
The Facts About Medical Factoring

One of the immutable truths about healthcare is that it can take a long time to get paid. Though Texas has a prompt payment statute,1 it can take 60 days or longer for a claim to be paid. Disputed claims can get pushed out an additional 60 days. The wait is even longer – sometimes years – for medical claims of plaintiffs involved in lawsuits. In between the service and the payment, health care providers do without.

Even after the delay, some claims never get paid. Patients may not have insurance or plaintiffs may lose their case. And even when claims do get paid, the health care provider loses out on the interest they could have earned on their money had they been paid promptly.

Delays and uncertainties in payment make the healthcare industry uniquely attractive to factoring arrangements. As a result, medical factoring (or medical receivables factoring) is becoming more common.

Practitioners should understand how these arrangements work and have them reviewed by a qualified attorney before entering into these arrangements.

Medical Factoring

Factoring is not new. Its origins can be traced back to the Mesopotamian culture and the Code of Hammurabi.2

Factoring occurs when a business sells its accounts receivable (i.e., invoices) to a third party at a discount in exchange for immediate capital. In the health care context, a financing company (the “factor”), “advances” to the healthcare provider (the “seller”), some amount in exchange for the seller’s accounts receivables for the medical services provided to patients. The party responsible for payment (the “account debtor”) will make payment directly to the factor.

With the advance in hand, the health care provider has immediate working capital, no longer has to deal with the costs and expenses of ongoing collection efforts, and avoids the risk of non-payment. This translates into more predictable revenues.

How Medical Factoring Works

Let’s look at a common arrangement.

The healthcare provider provides a medical service to a patient. Because of the inevitable delay in payment, and the possibility that the provider will never be paid, the provider decides to sell the account receivable to a third-party at an amount less than the full invoice amount.

After verifying the invoices, the factor will pay the seller the advance, which is either a percentage discount of the amount due or a flat-fee per invoice.

The seller will issue the invoices with the factor’s payment information affixed directly to the invoice. Either the seller will mail out the invoices or the factor will choose to do it.

Included with the invoice, or sent separately, will be a letter to the account debtor to inform them that the account has been purchased and payment should be made directly to the factor. The letter is usually signed by the factor and the seller and will extol the benefits of this arrangement as a benefit to the debtor.

As payment is made by the debtor, the factor will report back to the seller so that both parties are aware of the transaction and can assess the value of the arrangement to their business.

While this is a common arrangement, the specific terms of the factoring agreement can vary widely.

Recourse vs. Non-Recourse

Factoring agreements may either be recourse or non-recourse agreements. In recourse agreements, if the factor is unable to collect on the account, the seller will “buy back” the uncollected debt. This type of arrangement effectively shifts the risk of non-payment back to the seller.

In non-recourse arrangements, the risk of non-payment falls on the factor. If the account debtor does not pay the invoice, the factor has no right to recover the advance from the seller. The factor takes the loss.

In medical factoring, non-recourse agreements are most common. The fact that the provider does not have to bear the risk of non-payment is one of the primary incentives for the provider to sell the account receivables at a discount.

Purchase vs. Advance vs. Reserve

The way the factor pays for the account also varies.

In some arrangements, the factor purchases the account outright, either for a discounted percentage of the amount due or a flat-fee for each procedure.

In other cases, the factor will “advance” the account debtor some percentage of the amount due. This percentage varies but usually maxes out at 80%. When (or if) the factor finally collects the account, the remaining balance (the “rebate”) is paid to the account debtor, minus a fee for the factoring company’s collection efforts.

The fee charged by the factor could be a flat-rate, a tiered rate, or a “prime plus” rate.

In a flat-rate arrangement, the factor is paid a set percentage of the account upon collection. In a tiered arrangement, the fee depends on the size of the amount owed, the volume of the debt the factor is collecting for the debtor, and the time or effort it took to collect on the account. A prime plus rate adjusts the fee based on the prime interest rate.

To offset as much of the non-recourse risk as possible, some factors will maintain an amount in a reserve account throughout the relationship with the seller. The reserve account is typically 10–15% of the seller’s credit line. The factor can dip into this reserve to soften the impact of non-payment.

Legal Implications

While factoring agreements are popular, they can have other implications for a health care provider.

Factoring Accounts for Plaintiffs Involved in Litigation

In the litigation context, when a plaintiff has medical bills, the defendant will want to know how much a factor paid for the accounts. The defendant will try to limit the damages to that amount.3 Thus, defense attorneys may attempt to obtain the factoring agreement to discover its terms and thereby limit damages.

Medicare/Medicaid Factoring

Getting the account debtor to pay the factor rather than the health care provider is relatively straight-forward when dealing with private insurance companies or cash-pay patients. The arrangement becomes more complex when dealing with government reimbursement programs like Medicare, Medicaid, or Tricare because of the “anti-assignment” provisions of the Social Security Act.4

Factoring companies require that the providers assign the financial rights for their insurance claims to them. However, federal reimbursement rules forbid the assignment of claims to third-parties. Such programs will only reimburse the provider, or their employee or billing agent. They most certainly will not issue reimbursement in the name of the third-party factor.

To factor federal claims, a managed account is used. The factor will purchase the account receivable, but the payment information will remain with the seller. The federal government reimburses the claim directly to the seller by payment into the seller’s account. The seller implements a regular “sweep” of the account to an account controlled by the factor.

Federal Reimbursement

There may also be fraud and abuse implications for federal claims. A fee charged by the factor that is not related to the fair market value of similar arrangements or is not commercially reasonable could imply a kickback under the Anti-Kickback Statute or improper remuneration in violation of the Stark Law (“Ethics in Patient Referrals Act”).


The factor and the health care provider should take steps to make sure the factoring arrangement is appropriate and does not create unanticipated problems.

The Terms of the Factoring Agreement Should Be Negotiated at Arms-Length

The factor and the seller should negotiate the terms of the agreement at arms-length. Terms should be consistent with those common in the medical receivables factoring space. The arrangement should make sense for the factor and the seller without regard to any upstream referrals.

In a straight factoring arrangement, this may not be an issue. But if the factoring company has any relationship with a potential referral source, federal and state law prohibits the factor from receiving anything of value in exchange for patient referrals. The health care provider is also prohibited from paying anything of value for the referrals.

To avoid these prohibitions, there should be no sweetheart terms for either party. If lines of credit are utilized, they should impose a reasonable interest rate. If the factoring agreement is non-recourse, concessions should not be made for non-payment. Treat non-recourse agreements like non-recourse agreements.

Terms Should Be Commercially Reasonable

The terms should be commercially reasonable for both parties. As to the health care provider, they should serve the purpose of providing them immediate capital and offset the risk of non-payment, while not giving up too much by way of the discount.

Without taking into account any patient referrals, does the factoring arrangement make good business sense? Does it serve a legitimate business purpose? The provider should document the costs, delays, and burdens of collecting the debt before and after the factoring agreement. Is the provider better off with the arrangement? If so, then it is probably commercially reasonable. If not, then revisit the terms of the arrangement.

Properly Identify the Eligible Receivables

The factor should ensure that receivables to be purchased have the requisite indicia of recoverability. If the factor is going to purchase a receivable, there should be a reasonable basis to believe the account will be paid. It is therefore vital to properly identify the characteristics an “eligible receivable” must satisfy before it will be sold to the factor. For example, a claim will need to be one in which the service or procedure was covered, the patient was eligible, and the claim was approved. Without these characteristics, the claim is unlikely to get paid.

Securing the Receivables

Healthcare receivables are considered collateral under U.C.C. Article 9. Factors should perfect their security interest in the receivables by filing the appropriate financing statement. The factor may also want to perfect a security interest in the deposit account where the proceeds are deposited when the receivables are paid. To do so, the factor must have control of the account.

Obtaining a security interest in the deposit account is not an option for Medicare and Medicaid funds. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) prohibits the customary UCC control agreement giving the factor the right to direct funds from the account that receives CMS reimbursement. Nevertheless, the factor can perfect a security interest in the receivables themselves through the appropriate UCC-1 filings and security agreement with the seller.

Understand the Terms of the Agreement

Finally, the health care provider should understand the terms of the agreement, and what other, more positive terms, may be available with a bit of negotiation.

In this regard, it is important to seek the counsel of an attorney with experience with medical factoring agreements.


Delays and uncertainties in getting paid for medical services make medical factoring attractive in the healthcare industry. But all factoring agreements are not created equally.

Health care providers should understand how these arrangements work and have them reviewed by a qualified attorney before entering into these arrangements.

To understand how medical factoring can work for you, contact me at 214-588-3040 or


Texas-Sized Pitfalls for Med Spas

Med spa growth across Texas and the nation continues to increase. The American Med Spa Association (AmSpa) found in 2018 that there were 5,431 med spas in the United States with average revenue of more than $1.5 million. That was up by 9% from the year before.1

Revenues during 2020 were strong relative to other industries. While 52% felt the impact and project revenues below $1 million, 37% projected revenues between $1-4 million.2

The outlook for the future is bright. Sixty-two percent (62%) of med spas owners expected their revenue in 2021 to increase by more than 10%:3

Many respondents expressed optimism for the post-pandemic future, with some citing the so-called “Zoom effect” as a reason why more people than ever before might seek out aesthetic services.

It’s no wonder Texas is experiencing a growth in med spas. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misunderstanding about med spas. While people rush to open practices and reap the financial rewards, many (or most) are not following Texas law. Starting a med spa without the right knowledge, structure, ownership, and licensure could subject you to legal liability, civil and criminal penalties, cease and desist orders from the Texas Medical Board, breach of contract, and a host of other unanticipated risks.

What are Med Spas?

The American Med Spa Association defines a medical spa as a hybrid between an aesthetic medical center and a day spa with four core elements: (1) the provision of non-invasive (i.e. non-surgical) aesthetic medical services; (2) under the general supervision of a licensed physician; (3) performed by trained, experienced and qualified practitioners; (4) with onsite supervision by a licensed healthcare professional.4

While that definition is technically accurate, it obscures the point that because med spas offer medical services, they are considered medical practices in Texas and must comply with the rules and regulations that apply to traditional doctor’s offices.

In addition to providing aesthetic cosmetic treatments common in many spa settings, med spas provide services that cross the line into the practice of medicine. A small sample of these services include:

  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Botox injections and other dermal fillers
  • IV infusions
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma injections, including O-Shot
  • Hormone therapy
  • Cosmetic surgeries

The Texas Medical Board refers to these types of services as Nonsurgical Medical Cosmetic Procedures and requires that an appropriately trained physician, or properly supervised midlevel practitioner, perform an appropriate patient assessment and issue an order for the medical cosmetic procedure.5

I once had a client physician who was the supervising physician for a med spa. Unbeknownst to him, the med spa did not hire a midlevel practitioner and was allowing a registered nurse (RN) to “order” and administer Botox injections. He immediately resigned from the clinic and reported the conduct to the Texas Medical Board. Last I heard, the TMB was imposing civil penalties against the clinic.

There are also specific licensing requirements associated with some of these services. For example, clinics owned by non-physicians that provide laser hair removal services must be licensed by the Texas Department of License and Regulation. That licensing requires specific training for the employees and contracts with designated and supervising physicians. Because the laser equipment emits radiation, it must also be licensed by the Radiation Control Program of the Department of State Health Services.6

These licensing requirements cut both ways. If a person with an esthetician license is working in a medical office, the medical office is required to have a salon license. 7

Legal Structure for Med Spas

Because med spas are medical practices, they must follow the requirements of Texas law regarding professional entities. Medical practices can only be structured as professional limited liability companies (PLLC) or professional associations (PA).8 They may not be formed as corporations or regular limited liability companies (LLC).

Time and time again, I see “med spas” offering medical services through corporations and standard LLCs. Doing so is a violation of the Corporate Practice of Medicine doctrine and could carry civil and criminal penalties. 9

Ownership of Med Spas

Equally important, medical practices can only be owned by physicians.10 The only exceptions are podiatrists, chiropractors, optometrists, and sometimes physician assistants. 11 That means that nurse practitioners or unlicensed persons cannot form a “partnership” with physicians to own a med spa.

Said another way, unless you are a physician, chiropractor, optometrist podiatrist, or physician assistant (in limited situations), you cannot own a med spa. This too is a violation of the Corporate Practice of Medicine.

Physician Supervision

In addition to the ownership requirements, nurse practitioners and physician assistants (“midlevel practitioners”) must be supervised by a licensed physician as required by the Texas Medical Practice Act and the rules of the Texas Medical Board.12

This supervision is memorialized in a Prescriptive Authority Agreement or Collaboration Agreement, which documents the procedures and prescriptions the physician is delegating to the midlevel to perform.13

If the med spa is jointly-owned by another authorized person (chiropractor, podiatrist, etc.), the physician generally will also serve as the Medical Director for the practice and be responsible for all medical protocols and policies.

Danger for the Uninformed

These are just a few of the compliance issues Texas med spas must satisfy. There are also in-office and website disclosure requirements, registration requirements, reporting requirements, restrictions on the type of marketing or advertising the practice can engage in. The list goes on and on.

If you need help forming a med spa, or if you have already formed one and need assistance bringing it into compliance, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 214-855-3040 or

  1. AmSpa – 2019 Medical Spa State of the Industry Report ↩︎
  2. AmSpa Releases Results of AmSpa 2020 Medical Spa Industry Short Survey – COVID-19’s Impact ↩︎
  3. AmSpa Releases Results of AmSpa 2020 Medical Spa Industry Short Survey – COVID-19’s Impact ↩︎
  4. AmSpa – Med Spa FAQ ↩︎
  5. Title 22, Texas Administrative Code, Section 193.17, Nonsurgical Medical Cosmetic Procedures ↩︎
  6. Texas Department of License and Regulation – Medical Spas Frequently Asked Questions ↩︎
  7. Texas Occupations Code, Section 1602.251(c) ↩︎
  8. Texas Business Organizations Code, Section 301.003(3) ↩︎
  9. Texas Occupations Code, (Medical Practice Act), including sections 155.001, .003, 157.001, 164.052(a)(8),(13), and 165.001, .051, .101, .151, .156 ↩︎
  10. Texas Business Organizations Code, Sec. 301.004, 006-007 ↩︎
  11. Texas Business Organizations Code, Sec. 301.012 ↩︎
  12. Title 22, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 193, Standing Delegation Orders ↩︎
  13. Title 22, Texas Administrative Code, Section 193.7, Prescriptive Authority Agreements Generally ↩︎


Hospice, home health agency and owners pay over $1.8M to resolve claims concerning physician payments

The founders of an Edinburg hospice and related home health agency have paid to resolve allegations they submitted claims to Medicare that resulted from unlawful referrals.

Onder Ari, 49, Edinburg, and Sedat Necipoglu, 48, McAllen, founded Allstate Hospice LLC and Verge Home Care LLC. They and their companies have now paid $1,847,279.36 following an investigation into improper payments to physicians for referrals.

Ari and Necipoglu offered compensation to physicians who were responsible for a significant majority of their patient referrals. Specifically, they provided physicians with monthly payments pursuant to medical directorship agreements with Allstate and Verge. Those payments were in excess of fair market value for the services the physicians actually provided. They also sold interests in Allstate to five different physicians which ultimately netted them substantial quarterly dividends. They also provided physicians other gifts and benefits, such as travel and tickets to sporting events.

Source: Hospice, home health agency and owners pay over $1.8M to resolve claims concerning physician payments


2020 Health Antitrust Year in Review

The federal antitrust enforcement agencies brought three hospital merger challenges and three criminal antitrust enforcement actions in health care in the past year. Combined with the incoming Democratic administration, healthcare antitrust enforcement is likely to remain strong in 2021.

Hospitals & Health Systems. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) challenged three hospital and health system transactions in 2020. While the outcome of the most recent challenged transaction is pending, in one of the other two transactions, the merging parties abandoned the deal after the complaint was filed, and in the other transaction the district court refused to grant a preliminary injunction to cease consummation of the transaction pending an administrative trial. Other than various strategic, cost, timing, and business reasons for why parties choose to defend a transaction or not, and the difference in case development, what lessons can be drawn from these recent enforcement actions? First, payor views—and the substantiation thereof—remain key. Parties to proposed in-market transactions should carefully analyze their historical contracting practices and network configuration. Second, geographic market definition has always been and remains critical to the antitrust analysis of these transactions, particularly in urban areas. Relevant geographic markets are analyzed first by the impact a merger may have on insurers, and second by the merger’s potential impact on patients. Detailed economic analysis is part of antitrust due diligence in preparation for proposed transactions.

Payors. If finally approved by the court, the proposed Blues plans’ subscriber settlement may change the competitive dynamic in the healthcare services insurance markets. Employers would be able to request bids from and providers may negotiate rates with multiple insurance providers even under the same umbrella. Insurance licensees may be able to make inroads into new markets and offer new products.

Criminal Enforcement. The Department of Justice (DOJ) has brought several criminal charges against healthcare companies in the past couple of months, including for wage-fixing, nonsolicitation/nopoach agreements and market allocation. General counsels (GCs) and human resources (HR) professionals should emphasize company-wide training and familiarity on how the sharing of nonpublic wage and employment term information with competitors can lead to antitrust violations for individuals as well as the company. Enforcement agencies, as well as private plaintiffs, can challenge agreements as anticompetitive irrespective of whether they challenge any underlying transaction. The federal government and state AGs are ramping up criminal enforcement in healthcare markets. Healthcare organizations should consider their internal corporate compliance programs and education.

Vertical Mergers. In analyzing the potential harm of a vertical transaction, the antitrust enforcement agencies will ask whether the parties, after they have merged, will have the ability or incentive to foreclose rivals. For example, if a hospital system acquires an ambulatory care provider in the same geographic area, a key inquiry would be whether the merged entity will have the ability to force payors into an exclusive arrangement that limits the payors’ ability to contract with other hospitals or ambulatory care providers. Another relevant question is whether the merged entity would have the ability to cherry-pick profitable cases and refer less profitable cases to other entities. In a vertical merger between an insurer and a pharmacy, a key concern would be whether insurer enrollees could use only the payor’s pharmacy, or have to pay higher fees to use a different pharmacy. Parties to vertical transactions should engage in antitrust planning to assess potential competitive effects.

Federal and State Policy & Enforcement. With Xavier Becerra nominated to Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), states pursuing antitrust enforcement in the provider marketplace will be likely to receive support (e.g., briefs, public statements, parallel federal enforcement actions) from the federal government. Moreover, the injunctive relief included in the settlement terms of a lawsuit Becerra joined as California Attorney General could very well lead states to pass tighter transparency regulations and price controls. Providers should examine their ordinary course and post-closing managed care contracting practices.

Source: 2020 Health Antitrust Year in ReviewMcDermott, Will and Emery.


Improper Billing of “P-Stim” Devices is Focus of Recent FCA Settlements

Improper billing for electro-acupuncture using a “P-Stim” device (or peri-auricular stimulation device) has been the subject of two False Claims Act (FCA) settlements already in 2021, following a trend of such enforcement actions within the past year. And there are more to come.

These prosecutions involve providers billing federal healthcare programs for acupuncture using P-Stim devices under HCPCS Code L8649. Unlike P-Stim devices, though, which are attached to the ears of a patient using needles and adhesives without surgery or anesthesia, HCPSCS Code L8649 applies to a product that is surgically implanted into a patient using anesthesia. Medicare, TRICARE and the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) do not reimburse for acupuncture devices like P-Stim, nor do they reimburse for P-Stim as a neurostimulator or an implantation of neurostimulator electrodes. In addition to P-Stim, the brand names for these devices include ANSiStim, E-pulse, Stivax and NeuroStim.

Source: Improper Billing of “P-Stim” Devices is Focus of Recent FCA Settlements


Texas Company Agrees to Reimburse Medicare for Improper Billing Related to Neurostimulators

Spinal Decompression Clinic of Texas (“SDCT”) has agreed to pay $330,898.00 to resolve liability under the False Claims Act for the alleged improper billing of electro-acupuncture device neurostimulators.

SDCT received reimbursement from Medicare in the amount of $177,051.15 for these procedures. SDCT, however, did not perform these surgeries, and instead applied P-Stim devices in an office setting, without surgery or anesthesia. P-Stim is an electric acupuncture device that, pursuant to manufacturer’s instructions, is affixed behind a patient’s ear using an adhesive. Needles are inserted into the patient’s ear and affixed using another adhesive. Once activated, the device then provides intermittent stimulation by electrical pulses. It is a single use, battery-powered device designed to be worn for approximately four days until its battery runs out, at which time the device is thrown away.

Medicare does not reimburse for acupuncture or for acupuncture devices such as P-Stim, nor does Medicare reimburse for P-Stim as a neurostimulator or as implantation of neurostimulator electrodes.

Source: Texas Company Agrees to Reimburse Medicare for Improper Billing Related to Neurostimulators


New HHS Advisory Opinion Confirms Complete Federal Preemption for PREP Act Cases and Applicability of the Act’s Defenses in Non-Use Situations

The US Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) issued an Advisory Opinion (“21-01”) Friday, reinforcing how the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (“PREP Act” or the “Act”) (1) provides complete preemptive federal jurisdiction and invites jurisdictional discovery; and (2) applies to cases where the alleged harm results from failure to use (and even refusal to use) a covered countermeasure when that failure arises out of the conscious allocation and prioritization of the countermeasures.

Advisory Opinion 21-01 expands on the language of the amended Declaration to clarify that the PREP Act provides complete preemptive federal jurisdiction for cases in which it is a defense. Once invoked, the PREP Act provides complete preemptive federal jurisdiction, and the federal court retains the case to decide whether the immunity and preemption provisions apply; if they do not apply, then the court would try the case as it would a diversity case.

Advisory Opinion 21-01 further clarifies that the PREP Act protections apply in cases where the complainant alleges harm from the defendant’s complete failure—or even refusal—to use covered countermeasures, particularly in those cases where such a failure arises from the conscious allocation of scarce resources among potential countermeasure recipients.

Source: New HHS Advisory Opinion Confirms Complete Federal Preemption for PREP Act Cases and Applicability of the Act’s Defenses in Non-Use Situations


HHS Issues Advisory Opinion on Contract Pharmacies Under the 340B Program

HHS/OIG released an advisory opinion concluding that drug manufacturers are obligated to deliver discounts under the 340B Drug Pricing Program on covered outpatient drugs when contract pharmacies are acting as agents of 340B covered entities.

Many covered entities enter into written agreements with pharmacies (contract pharmacies) to distribute their covered outpatient drugs to the entities’ patients. The covered entity orders and pays for the 340B drugs, which are then shipped from the manufacturer to the contract pharmacy. The contract pharmacy then sends the drug to the patient. The covered entity purchases the drug, and the contract pharmacy provides the pharmacy services to dispense the drug to a patient.

In the advisory opinion, the HHS Office of the General Counsel asserts that the plain meaning of Section 340B requires manufacturers to sell covered drugs to covered entities at or below the ceiling price.

Source: HHS Issues Advisory Opinion on Contract Pharmacies Under the 340B Program


CMS finalizes “reasonable and necessary” definition, expedited breakthrough device coverage process

On January 14, 2021, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a final rule that, for the first time, adopts a regulatory standard for determining whether a particular item or service is “reasonable and necessary” under section 1862(a)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act (SSA) and sets the stage for commercial insurance coverage to be considered in assessing such coverage in prescribed circumstances. In addition, the final rule establishes a “Medicare Coverage of Innovative Technology” (MCIT) pathway, which is a voluntary and expedited mechanism to obtain national Medicare coverage for medical devices designated with “breakthrough” device status by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Source: CMS finalizes “reasonable and necessary” definition, expedited breakthrough device coverage process


Large Health System Agrees To Pay $200,000 as Part of OCR’s Fourteenth Right of Access Initiative Settlement

In its first enforcement action of 2021, on January 12th, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”), Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) announced it settled with Banner Health its fourteenth enforcement action as part of its HIPAA Right of Access Initiative (the “Initiative”). OCR announced the Initiative in 2019 to ensure individuals can easily and timely access their health information at a reasonable cost under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) Privacy Rule. In 2020, OCR announced eleven settlements as part of the Initiative including most recently against a primary care provider. The Initiative has resulted in settlements with all sizes of providers.

Source: Large Health System Agrees To Pay $200,000 as Part of OCR’s Fourteenth Right of Access Initiative Settlement