Health Law Highlights

Justice Department Unseals Documents in Texas Children’s HIPAA Violation Case

Summary of article from Becker’s Hospital Review, by Naomi Diaz:

The U.S. Justice Department unsealed documents concerning Dr. Eithan Haim, who is accused of violating the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) by illegally accessing and leaking internal documents from Texas Children’s Hospital. The documents pertained to gender-affirming services and included patients’ personal health information. Dr. Haim allegedly obtained this information with the intent to cause harm to the hospital. He shared these documents with a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, in May 2023. If convicted, Dr. Haim could face a maximum of 10 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $250,000.

Health Law Highlights

Credentialing Is Burdening Small Hospitals—and Underserved Communities Pay the Price

Summary of article from HealthExec, by Chad Van Alstin:

The credentialing process in healthcare, which verifies a provider’s education, training, licenses, and professional experience, is a time-consuming manual task, especially burdensome for small hospitals and independent practices. The lack of a centralized data repository and varying state regulations complicate the process, with no current way to automate it due to the need for data from hundreds of disparate sources. This process can delay the hiring of healthcare providers, impacting patient care, especially in underserved communities. Solutions like blockchain have been explored but are met with skepticism due to issues of data reliability and technical limitations. Until a more efficient system is found, the credentialing process remains largely manual, leading to increased time and labor costs, particularly affecting rural and underserved areas.

Ask the Health Lawyer

Chief AI Officers in Healthcare: Strategy, Tactics and Evangelism

Summary of article from HealthTech Magazine, by Nathan Eddy:

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare has led to organizations considering hiring a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) to spearhead their AI strategies. The role of a CAIO involves accelerating AI adoption while ensuring safety and innovation, managing investments, and addressing ethical and governance issues. They also need to understand the integration of AI with existing technologies like electronic health records. The role has evolved to include more attention to governance and risk management, especially in medical tech companies. CAIOs provide strategic advantage by guiding AI initiatives, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives, and fostering a culture of exploration and experimentation.