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Texas Small Businesses: Control Healthcare Prices and Regulate Hospital Consolidation

Will Maddox for D Magazine:

Consolidation is on the rise as well. According to research from Deloitte, the largest 10 healthcare systems in the U.S. control nearly a quarter percent of all hospitals. Between 2013 and 2018, the ten largest health systems saw revenue increase 82 percent from $505 billion to $918 billion, five times faster than the rest of the market.

Consolidation has been occurring since the 1990’s, and will likely continue as more hospitals struggle to stay profitable. Torch, an organization of rural and community hospitals, has some troubling statistics:

  • Texas leads the nation in rural hospital closures.
  • 26 Texas rural hospital closures (permanently or temporarily) have occurred in 22 communities since the beginning of 2010. Nationally, more than 120 rural hospitals have closed in the same time frame.
  • A Centers for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform study estimates 76 rural Texas hospitals are at risk of closure and 12 rural Texas hospitals are at immediate risk of closing.
  • The closures are taking an economic toll on Texas as a rural hospital closure – on average – costs 170 jobs and an annual payroll of $22 million.
  • Closures have a ripple effect in the community reducing sales tax revenue to local government, reducing school student numbers driving down state payments to the local school, and hurting local businesses across the community.
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FBI: Healthcare Hit with Most Ransomware Attacks of Any Critical Sector

More scary statistics related to ransomware attacks on healthcare providers. Nearly half (47%) of healthcare IT professionals said their organizations experienced a ransomware attack in the past two years, up from 43% in 2021, according to a survey released by the Ponemon Institute

Ill-prepared providers must make the hard choice to pay or not to pay. The consequences can be devastating.

Ron Southwick, writing for Chief Healthcare Executive:

The Lehigh Valley Health Network in eastern Pennsylvania disclosed a ransomware attack last month, and said it would not pay. Lehigh Valley said a gang known as BlackCat, which has ties to Russia, launched the attack. The health network said this month that the ransomware group posted photos of cancer patients on the dark web, according to WPVI-TV in Philadelphia and other media outlets.

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Ophthalmology Practice Agrees to Pay Over $2.9 Million to Settle Kickback Allegations

From the Eastern District of Texas:

Ophthalmology provider group, Arlington Ophthalmology Association, P.L.L.C. d/b/a Kleiman Evangelista Eye Centers (“K&E”), with offices located in Arlington, Dallas, Plano, Southlake, Mount Pleasant, and Gun Barrel City, Texas, has agreed to pay $2,902,505 to resolve False Claims Act allegations that it offered and paid kickbacks to optometrists to induce referrals of patients who were candidates for cataract surgery in in violation of the False Claims Act and Anti-Kickback Statute, announced Eastern District of Texas U.S. Attorney Brit Featherston.

This is a great example of how business practices common in other industries do not work in healthcare. Even if Medicare was not involved, Texas’ Patient Solicitation Act prohibits “offering to pay or agreeing to accept anything of value to secure or solicit a patient or patronage for or from a licensed professional.” It is called an “All-Payor” statute, meaning a violation is not limited to referrals for services paid by government health programs

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DOJ Continues to Eye Clinical Researchers

Jonathan Porter, writing for Healthcare Law Insights, highlights several types of fraud associated with medical research and clinical trials: Clinical trial fraud, grant fraud, and failure to disclose ties to foreign governments, are all types of fraud associated with medical research and clinical trials. The Department of Justice, through it’s consumer protection branch, has become more interested in this type of fraud, which will necessarily impact researchers, including universities and research hospitals:

What is clear from these cases is that universities and hospitals must be aware that they have liability if their employees commit fraud or make false statements. Investing in a robust compliance program to root out fraud is critical, in order to both reduce False Claims Act risk and to save institutional reputation. Contact your Husch Blackwell attorney today with questions.

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Safety vs. Hospitality: A Healthcare Dilemma

The root problem is our society is mentally sick. Violence is the symptom. All the security in the world won’t stop someone who is intent on hurting others. Any solution must address the problem.

Will Mattox, writing for D Magazine:

But the issue seems to be getting worse. The American Hospital Association says that 44 percent of nurses experienced physical violence, and 68 percent experienced verbal abuse during the pandemic. Given the rise of violence in the workplace in healthcare settings, one might expect these facilities to be as secure as a sporting event or airport, with metal detectors at every entrance, guests and staff asked to empty their pockets while being searched, and visible security forces throughout the facility.

But herein lies the growing tension in healthcare, especially around hospital operations and design. Healthcare leaders don’t want their facilities to feel like locked-down institutions. Walking into a new hospital these days is more likely to feel like entering the lobby of a luxury hotel with engaging art, attractive light fixtures, natural light, and multiple seating areas. A metal detector, security guard with a wand, or other deterrents might ruin the ambiance medical centers want to exude.

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If the Government Cut Medicare Fraud, It Wouldn’t Have to Cut Medicare

From Merrill Matthews, writing for The Hill:

The point is that if the federal government were better at preventing Medicare and Medicaid fraud, the programs could save perhaps $100 billion a year or more. While that wouldn’t solve Medicare’s long-term financial challenges, it would certainly help delay the day of reckoning.

While no one defends the fraud, many politicians and bureaucrats don’t seem that interested in trying to fix it. Indeed, when Republican state legislators propose verifying state Medicaid rolls to ensure recipients are qualified, Democrats usually push back.

What’s clear is that there is a way to cut Medicare without hurting Medicare patients, and that’s to cut the fraud. But it’s much less work, and perhaps more politically rewarding, to just attack political opponents.

Most people would agree that Medicare fraud should be stopped, but that’s easier said than done. Medicare’s Prospective Payment System (PPS) is part of the problem. They pay first and ask questions later. By that time, the money is long gone.

The federal waste, fraud, and abuse laws are also complicated. Many well-meaning providers do not understand them. There is growing support for revamping the Anti-Kickback Statute.

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Is Dropbox HIPAA Compliant?

A lot of my healthcare clients use Dropbox. Many assume, incorrectly, that it is HIPAA compliant. I am generally concerned with any service that declares itself to be HIPAA compliant. Like many services, Dropbox can be used in a HIPAA compliant manner, but the burden rests on the user, not on Dropbox.

From Samuel Okoruwa, writing for Cloudwards:

Dropbox offers health organizations a secure way to store sensitive files. It’s not HIPAA compliant in itself, but relies on the user to use it in HIPAA-compliant ways. 

Health organizations that use Dropbox to upload medical information bear the greater responsibility of protecting this information by issuing Dropbox a contract called a business associate agreement and correctly configuring their accounts. 

Health organizations can take steps to correctly configure their accounts by limiting health information access to only authorized users, monitoring user activity and evaluating third-party apps.

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Exploring Data De-Identification in Healthcare

From Health IT Analytics:

Adequately de-identifying healthcare data is critical for health systems, payers, and other stakeholders to ensure HIPAA compliance. However, the advent of newer technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and connected devices, has created questions about ensuring patient privacy while enabling data sharing and access to improve care and drive medical breakthroughs.

At its most basic, de-identification refers to the principle of being unable to re-identify a person based on the information in their medical record, which often involves removing or hiding information such as the individual’s name, date of birth, gender, or address.

Beyond this basic level of de-identification to obscure explicitly personal information, healthcare stakeholders need to be aware of additional information and levels of identifiability to protect patient information.

Many people misunderstand de-identification. Certainly, the patient’s name and other unique identifiers should be removed. But there is also identification inherent in the pattern of care, the diagnosis, prescriptions, and other characteristics which can be used to re-identify specific patients, especially when there is a known dataset.

“In other words, there are additional safeguards and controls that go beyond the mere extraction of personally identifiable information,” [Suraj Kapa, MD] said. “So fine, you eliminate the medical record number, you eliminate the name, you eliminate the address, you eliminate all this other stuff from individual records. However, say you’re running a large analytic function across, say, the US, on patients with a specific type of cancer and trying to understand what we call social determinants of health.”


Healthcare Empowered Ep. 1

Dr. Chad Glines and Dr. Caleb Braddock are well-known in North Texas. They are the founders and owners of Genesis Back & Neck, a chiropractic practice that provides spinal decompression therapy to patients.

What makes them different is their unique spinal decompression protocol. They have been clients of mine for many years. The last few years our focus has been on expanding their decompression practice nationally.

Today, they are have 21 locations around the country, and we are adding more every month. In this interview, we discuss their vision for decompression therapy, and the legal and regulatory challenges they have faced as they expand their brand nationally.


Texas Med Spa FAQ

What is a med spa?

The American Med Spa Association defines a medical spa as a hybrid between an aesthetic medical center and a day spa” with four core elements: (1) the provision of non-invasive (i.e. non-surgical) aesthetic medical services; (2) under the general supervision of a licensed physician; (3) performed by trained, experienced and qualified practitioners; (4) with onsite supervision by a licensed healthcare professional. AmSpa – Med Spa FAQ

While that definition is technically accurate, it obscures the point that because med spas offer medical services, they are considered medical practices in Texas and must comply with the rules and regulations that apply to traditional doctor’s offices.

What kinds of services do med spas offer?

In addition to providing aesthetic cosmetic treatments common in many spa settings, med spas provide services that cross the line into the practice of medicine. A small sample of these services include:

  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Botox injections and other dermal fillers
  • IV infusions
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma injections
  • Hormone therapy
  • Cosmetic surgeries

The Texas Medical Board refers to these types of services as Nonsurgical Medical Cosmetic Procedures and requires that an appropriately trained physician, or properly supervised midlevel practitioner, perform an appropriate patient assessment and issue an order for the medical cosmetic procedure. Title 22, Texas Administrative Code, Section 193.17, Nonsurgical Medical Cosmetic Procedures

What legal structure must med spas have?

Because med spas are medical practices, they must follow the requirements of Texas law regarding professional entities. Medical practices can only be structured as professional limited liability companies (PLLC) or professional associations (PA). Texas Business Organizations Code, Section 301.003(3)

They may not be formed as corporations or regular limited liability companies (LLC).

Who can own a med spa?

Medical services can only be offered through professional entities owned by physicians. Texas Business Organizations Code, Sec. 301.004, 006-007 In certain circumstances, non-physicians can co-own a medical practice with the physician. The only allowances are for podiatrists, chiropractors, optometrists, and sometimes physician assistants. Texas Business Organizations Code, Sec. 301.012

That means that nurse practitioners or unlicensed persons cannot form a “partnership” with physicians to own a med spa. Said another way, unless you are a physician, chiropractor, optometrist podiatrist, or physician assistant (in limited situations), you cannot own a med spa. This too is a violation of the Corporate Practice of Medicine.

Can a non-physician co-own a med spa with the physician?

In certain circumstances, non-physicians can co-own a medical practice with the physician. The only allowances are for podiatrists, chiropractors, optometrists, and sometimes physician assistants. Texas Business Organizations Code, Sec. 301.012 That means that nurse practitioners, registered nurses, estheticians, or unlicensed persons cannot form a “partnership” with physicians to own a med spa. Said another way, unless you are a physician, chiropractor, optometrist podiatrist, or physician assistant (in limited situations), you cannot own a med spa. This too is a violation of the Corporate Practice of Medicine.

Can a dentist be the “medical director” of a med spa?

I’ve seen mention that the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners allows dentists to use Botox for dental esthetic and dental therapeutic purposes. I cannot confirm that policy, but it would not be surprising as there are several therapeutic dental uses for Botox: high lip lines, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, Bruxism, and dentures no longer fitting due to shifting jaw muscles. However, Botox for facial cosmetic purposes would not be in a dentist’s scope of practice.

In my view, dentists can only prescribe Botox and fillers for dental purposes. I do not think dentists can provide Botox for purely cosmetic purposes. The other issue is that since cosmetic Botox is a medical service, and dentists are not medical doctors, they cannot own or co-own a medical practice. Neither are dentists qualified to serve as “Medical Director” since they are not licensed to practice medicine in Texas.

What are some of the risks of a non-compliant med spa?

It is a violation of Texas’s Corporate Practice of Medicine doctrine for corporations or standard LLCs to provide medical services. Doing so could bring civil and criminal penalties. Texas Occupations Code, (Medical Practice Act), including sections 155.001, .003, 157.001, 164.052(a)(8),(13), and 165.001, .051, .101, .151, .156

Is the physician required to be on-site or at mid-level required to be on-site?

Either the midlevel or the physician can do the good-faith exam via telehealth or in person. They must be the ones to write the order for the medical procedure.

How often should a med spa perform good faith exams on patients?

At a minimum, a Good Faith Exam (GFE) should be performed annually, but may be required more often depending on the circumstances.

The good faith exam should be performed on any patient receiving treatment for the first time. From this GFE, the provider develops a treatment plan which will often include multiple treatments over several sessions. A GFE does not need to be performed for each session included in that treatment plan.

With that said, a new GFE should be performed:

  • If a patient seeks additional services not anticipated during the initial GFE, or not included in the initial treatment plan;
  • The patient discontinues the treatment plan, but then desires to resume treatment after a substantial delay; or
  • A patient’s health changes materially, either during the course of a treatment plan or thereafter.

There is no hard and fast rule. It is a question of the applicable medical standard of care. When in doubt, a physician or midlevel should decide if a GFE is required.