
HHS Releases Final Part Two Guidance to Help People with Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Manage Prescription Drug Costs

Summary of article from CMS Press Release:

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), has released the final part two guidance for the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan under the Inflation Reduction Act. This plan, effective in 2025, allows Medicare beneficiaries to spread their prescription drug costs over the calendar year, rather than paying upfront at the pharmacy. Additionally, annual out-of-pocket prescription drug costs will be capped at $2,000, providing significant financial relief. The guidance also includes educational outreach efforts to ensure beneficiaries are informed about this new option. This initiative is part of broader measures to reduce prescription drug costs, including capping monthly insulin costs at $35 and providing free ACIP-recommended vaccines. The final part two guidance updates and finalizes the draft released in February 2024, and CMS has provided model materials for Part D plans to communicate these changes to enrollees.